Geraldo Rivera was ‘manually raped’ by TSA

Program length – 0:58

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Toddler flagged on TSA ‘no-fly’ list by JetBlue, parents claim

18-month-old child pulled from flight at Fort Lauderdale Airport in Florida

By Nina Mandell

She may not be old enough to speak in full sentences, but one 18-month-old child was ordered off a plane by airline officials who claimed she was on the ‘no fly’ list, her parents said.

The toddler, Riyanna, was on a flight at the Fort Lauderdale Airport when a JetBlue employee approached her parents and asked them to get off the flight to speak to representatives from the Transportation Security Agency, her parents told WPBF-TV.

“I said ‘For what?’” Riyanna’s mother told the TV station. “And he said, ‘Well it’s not you or your husband. Your daughter was flagged as a no fly.’”

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