Glyphostate found in vaccines

MIT Scientist and health researcher

“Decreases general immunity”

Apparently, YouTube has been taking down that they call “anti-vaxx” videos.

So download and re-post. It could be the only time you see it.

What’s at issue:

1. Vaccine “success” stats have been falsified
2. Vaccines decrease general immunity – one “immunization” sets you up for other diseases
3. Vaccines come with all kinds of “extras” like mercury, aluminum and now, glyphostate contamination

From an MIT scientist, with results appearing in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

But the pro-GMO, pro-Monsanto, and mindless vaccine zealots would prefer you not know this.

Apparently, YouTube has been taking down what they call “anti-vaxx” videos.

So download and re-post. It could be the only time you see it.

The Brasscheck/Real Food Reading List

We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.

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