There’s something out there

Introducing MUFON

A rigorous approach to UFOlogy

Today is the anniversary of the day In 1947 that an Air Force public information officer announced that a “flying disc” crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico.

The subject of UFOs is one of the more difficult things to wrap one’s mind around.

Either you’ve seen one or you haven’t.

If you haven’t, it’s hard to understand what it’s all about.

Add to that the fact that some UFO sightings are either easily explained away or are outright frauds.

All this is true…yet serious investigators who’ve taken the time and effort to study sightings intelligently report that a small percentage of events truly cannot be explained.

Further, details from old reports and found in old photos when evaluated seriously reveal details that are starting to make sense to modern scientists and engineers.

How could people in the 1950s fake science that didn’t exist until recently?

We spoke with Ben Moss, the chief field investigator for MUFON/Virginia, about the state-of-the art in Ufology today.

Absolutely fascinating stuff. I learned a lot.

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